Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'll take a McCain, with some fries (hopefully fresh)

So, I was thinking that McCain, who will inevitably recieve the Republican nomination, is kind of like taking a road trip and coming to that time of day when you need food, but you're in the middle of nowhere and all there is to eat is McDonald's. Upon the realization of this truth, you cringe, and hope for the best, which typically consists of a decent chicken product (in my case since I refuse to eat hamburgers from McDonald's), and some good fries. McCain represents our best option by attrition of the more conservative and electable candidates. In truth, this post is for those who say they will vote for Obama instead of McCain for whatever reason you see logical. I can't imagine the executive and legislative branches of government controlled solely by Democrats at this crucial time in our history, and from what I hear this is what will happen if Obama is elected. Universal Health Care, tax increases, Illegal Immigration, and who knows what in Iraq as soon as they pull all the troops out, not to mention our Homeland Security just to name a few. For those of you struggling to come to terms with McCain's record, and ideology, here is a link to a Wall Streeet Journal article that demystifies many of McCain's stands on issues, and why he is worthy of our vote. So, read on, and hopefully you'll get that decent McCain sandwich you were hoping for, and we can all hope for some good fries (ie, Romney as VP or something else in his administration).


1 comment:

Becky, Ryan, Oliver, Amelie, and Nora said...

I just read this to Ryan and we were seriously laughing so hard, I love the analogy, definetely the way I've been feeling. I don't have time to read the article now but I'll come back tonight to.