Alright, tonight is the Super Bowl of movies and of course I have an opinion of where this should go. Did you expect any less? Here are the picks:
Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
Best Director: Kathryn Bigelow, The Hurt Locker
Best Actor: Jeff Bridges, Crazy Heart
Best Actress: Sandra Bullock, Blind Side
Best Supporting Actor: Christoph Waltz, Inglorious
Best Supporting Actress: Monique, Precious
Best Original Screenplay: Inglorious
Best Adapted Screenplay: Up in the Air
Best Cinematography: Haven't decided between Avatar and White Ribbon
Best Editing: The Hurt Locker
Best Animated Feature: Up of course. Just fill in this answer with the newest Pixar movie going forward since they've decided to release one a year
Best Foreign Language Film: White Ribbon
Then just give all the tech awards to Avatar.
Enjoy the show.