Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lost Predictions

Ok. So, the Series Finale of Lost is coming soon. I was just talking to one of my best friends from high school who is also a huge Lost fan like myself. We discussed possible theories and then made some predictions for this last episode. If you haven't watched Lost, consider this your spoiler alert for the following paragraphs....


Prediction #1: Jack dies, and someone else takes over as protector of the island. I thought it was pretty predictable to see Jack become the protector of the island, so I'm going to predict that since this predictable action took place in such an unconventional show that they will surprise us.

Prediction #2: The "Sideways World" will become the truer reality. One of the worlds has to be more real, right? I think they do away with the island because....

Prediction #3: The Island will be terminated/blown up/obliterated somehow. Desmond or Smokey will be the cause of this I'm guessing.

Regan's addition:
The characters will be given a choice between 1 of the 2 worlds. They can either choose as their reality the island existence or the "Sideways World".

Also, what in the world happened to Lapidus? I haven't figured that one out yet. I guess we'll find out soon. Anyways, here's to one of the greatest shows of all time sad and yet so appropriate. :(((

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