Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thank you IRS/Office stories

Using the tax withholding calculator has given me a $68 increase in my paychecks for the rest of the year. Sweet.

Here's another great work story for you all-

So I mentioned in my previous post that my co-worker punches me and what not. He also kicked me the other day and left a scuff from his boot on my pants. Thank you Tide for creating that genius pen that got the scuff out. I've also been threatened with a letter opener. Despite the fact that all of this was done in jest, I still wasn't a big fan. So I kind of hinted today that I didn't appreciate it, and that led to an email from him saying something to the effect of:

"I'm so sorry for the physical and mental pain I have caused you. My intentions were never to alienate you as a friend and co-worker. You have made me feel terrible for the things I have done. This is just the way that my friends and I had fun growing up. Please do not hate me for who I am."

Needless to say, this had turned into an incredibly awkward situation. It is now resolved and I hope to forget about this ASAP. I have to say though that the speed in which this situation escalated to this email made me laugh. I couldn't believe he felt that bad about it. Oh well.

My second incredibly awkward office situation came when one of my co-workers took something that was said way out of context, and basically announced to everyone on our floor that I was applying to other companies. This was a flat out lie, and I was furious. So, my other co-worker went over to my boss and asked if he had heard anything, and ended up telling him the story. My boss then comes over and talks to me about it. I end up calling my co-worker into a room, and tell him exactly how I feel.

So in the space of about a week and a half I somehow managed to get myself into two very awkward situations with both of my immediate co-workers.

It's a good thing they don't know I have a blog. May the office stories live on.

Happy 4th of July all.


Becky, Ryan, Oliver, Amelie, and Nora said...

Hey Guys!

Its me, Ryan. So, I was noticing your count down for the dark night and thinking that we need to see it together.

Becky and I think that you guys should come down when it opens and we'll get a babysitter for Ollie and Noellies.

It will be awesome! Let us know so we can get our tickets in advance because you know how these crazy Utahans get.

Talk to you later

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hey Guys!

It's me, Leah.

Love the work stories. Keep 'um coming. Ryan you are funny too.

Becky, Ryan, Oliver, Amelie, and Nora said...

Ok I just read like the last three posts, getting caught up. First off, are you guys going to take Nellie to Wall-E, we've been really wanting to see it, it looks so darling. Second, so does this mean you still get to work and go to school, are you guys moving? Thirdly, I always enjoy the office stories, who knew you could learn such life lessons from amex, sign me up. And lastly, let's talk about how excited we are for Dark Knight, SO EXCITED. I can't remember the last time I was this excited for a movie. I will probably cry when I see Heath, it really is heartbreaking and still so unreal. See you guys this weekend!