Sunday, March 16, 2008


Pete and I just finished watching Hannity and Colmes. Wow, how frightening that Barack, the leading candidate for President is a supporter of such an evil man. Is Reverend Wright delusional? I can't believe some of the things he was saying about the goverment's conspiracy to wipe out the African American's with the Aids virus in the 80's. This guy actually thinks 9/11 was the act of the United States Government. He claims that greedy white American's are wrongfully debilitating the African American race. His preaching of black American's as victims is only perpetuating the vicious cycle. How can the the black culture overcome their economic difficulties by taking the victim's standpoint? Obviously Reverend Wright has a few screws loose. It's funny that although the Reverend has been Barack's spiritual advisor and Preacher for 20 years Barack claims he never knew Wright's personal stand and never heard any of these offensive sermons. He is flat out lying to protect his candidacy. God save America if this man is elected President! It will truly be the beginning of the end. I guess this is great for the Republicans. The race is so close that even if Barack loses a few votes, Hillary will win the Primary and McCain will have a better chance of beating her than he would have Obama. I certainly hope that at least educated Americans will be alarmed by Baracks relationship with this man he claims is like an uncle.

I attached the crazy video of excerpts from his speeches


Bean said...

Amen sista, Barack is a cuke! Hey Jules' photographer is Tiffany Lewis and her blog is

Becky, Ryan, Oliver, Amelie, and Nora said...

It is uterly shocking how brazen Barack is acting about all this, like it's no big deal. This man is so anti-government and now all Barack wants to be is government. To have this man be your "spiritual leader" is very concerning. It's sad to think that people are like oh he's being attacked with all these wrongful claims that have nothing to do with him. How does your preacher who you've known for 20 years that has been saying these types of things not have to do with you! This is a big story and it is benefiting McCain big time. And all those who are willing to look past it, just exhibits the kind of faith this county is in so much need of. You are exactly right. Unless people stop considering themselves victims, no matter what their situation, they will ALWAYS be victims. YOU make your own choices, stop blaming others and take some responsibility. I had to tell drug attics that every day and I'll tell it to whoever needs to hear it, and that's not being prejudice. And interestingly enough, in jail is where I heard about the conspiracy theories, from inmates. Call me crazy, but I'd like to leave myself out of the realm of recovering druggies. Let's all take some responsibility so we can finally earn some respect.