Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Life in the city

Kind of going along with the post about my job at American Express, I wanted to post something that highlights some of the fun moments we've had here in Salt Lake. For me it's been great because I've never really lived in a city before. I've always lived in small rural towns, such as Laie, Rexburg, and Logan, with the lone exception being La Canada for about 8 months. Granted, Salt Lake is not a big city, but it's the biggest I've ever lived in. With that, it's very evident that life in the city is much different than life in suburbs and rural areas. Here are a few examples:

1. The Karate Guys: There are two guys that do karate in front of our apartment complex every once in a while. It's not a violent type of karate either, it's more of a meditative sytle of karate mixed with spasmatic outbursts of attacks/defense. It's like they think they're in slow motion getting ready to fight the oncoming imaginary attackers, and suddenly the action whips back into full speed. John Woo would be proud.

2. Halloween: We are on our way down to the Mall, and the elevator door opens and immediately I get an eye full of a young college age kid dressed in nothing but tighty whities, suspenders, and a fireman's hat. It's amazing I haven't erased this from my memory.

3. We are walking down the hall to our room, and yet another young college age kid is standing out in the hallway with his door wide open screaming that there's a cockroach in his closet. He then convinces some poor stranger to go in his room and kill the cockroach. I was just happy that someone else got talked into doing it, and not me. Awkward.

4. One morning I just happened to be looking out our patio doors when I saw two guys very carefully exchange a couple of concealed items, and then quickly walk away from the situation. I couldn't help but think that I had just witnessed a drug deal in broad daylight go down in front of my apartment.


Anonymous said...

If I wasn't at work, I'd be laughing out loud!!! (I did chuckle a little bit)

The joys of living close to a huge University and downtown. Have you changed your mind about living in big cities?? Although, it could just be Utah...that's what I'm going with. I thought you'd never hear me say that!

Your sister.

Bean said...

LOL, you are so funny, I completely understand the living downtown experience now too! Thanks for the laugh

andrea said...

That is hilarious! Good times! You know you'll always remember your time there!! Noelle is so cute! I love the pictures!

Becky, Ryan, Oliver, Amelie, and Nora said...

Oh Pete, so pure and clean, and now so exposed:) I love to live with crazy people, its all so colorful and interesting, its the best. I loved that you came from Hawaii and everything we did as a family would usually be a first for you. It was so fun to be excited with you, just like a kid:) I think you and Re are made for city life, ummmm, lets go to NY together, deal? I'm not sure I consider SLC an actual city, but it's the closest thing we have here and it does have tons of history which is the best part of a big city.