Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Good old days
These two used to sleep in each others arms each night but as Rosie got more aggressive and bigger she moved further from Noelle each night. Now she stays out of Nell's bed because she bites.
Noelle singing Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream"
Noelle loves this song "Teenage Dream" and sings it all the time. She felt pretty cool in daddy's sunglasses.
Noelle singing Halleluja
This is a sweet little song from the movie Shrek that Noelle loves. She has great vibrato.
Meeting the puppy at Laura's
We were all very excited to see Rosie at Laura's for the first time. Noelle adored this little baby and was even more excited to take her home. Rosie was much more mellow back then. She's much more feisty now as she has learned to protect herself from Noelle.
Intoducing me to her new boyfriend
I tried to hide the camera so she wouldn't get embarrassed but I think she knew I was taping. I love how she introduces me to her "beautiful boyfriend" as she plays make-believe. She has been really interested in boys lately and especially the older ones. She'll stop in public if she spots a "beautiful boy" and point him out to me!
Discover Gateway's new exhibit
We love this new exhibit and Noelle particularly likes the worker in the video who is playing with her. His name is "Moses" and he is very very cute. She got all dressed up for him last Saturday and even put a dress on and he wasn't even there. She was very upset. She says he's "a beautiful boy and I want him to be my new boyfriend"
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Picking our puppy Rosie
Picking a puppy at the breeders house. Noelle ran away with Rosie and hid so we couldn't find her. She was in heaven! She now says "I did such a good job picking my puppy. Everyone loves her so much!"
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Preschool B-Day Party
I bought a cake and brought it in for the preschool kids for Noelle's Birthday. She was very proud to share her special day with her friends. The bakers accidentally put raspberry jelly in the middle of the cake even though I told then it was an all chocolate cake. The kids were not huge fans!
Her Favorite
Pete and I have accompanied Noelle on this one but it goes REALLY fast and always makes us nauseous. It happens to be her favorite though.
Birthday at "Jungle Gyms"
Good old Utah has tons of fun places like this for kids! This is basically an indoor carnival. It is really cheap to get into and Noelle just loves it so of course we took her on her 5th! The parents can even ride although we never do. This blows Chucky Cheese out of the park!
Birthday dinner at her favorite! Olive Garden
Noelle adores Olive Garden and requested it for her 5th B-day dinner. She was not too happy when we asked the staff to sing to her though. Typical embarrassed Noelle!
Noelle's favorite "The Popup Book Of Nightmares"
This is a really funny book. It happens to be Noelle's favorite book in the world out of her hundreds! She is very animated while reading it as you can see. This is the second I have bought for her this year because the first was read so many times that it fell apart. Not your typical children's book that's for sure and not your typical child either. She likes scary things and is quite desensitized to them by now :)
Noelle's birthday present.
Noelle rides her Power Wheels regularly to the park. She is quite proud and grownup. She brings "Weiny" along.
Temperous fiesty little girl :)
Sorry I had just barely gotten the camera phone and didn't realize I was filming sideways.
Monday, March 28, 2011
New Furniture!!!
I am not typically a blogger as many of you already know but I was really excited about some of my new furniture. Mom was kind enough to donate Dee's antiques to furnish my house and it looks amazing now. Here are some pics of the pieces. We weren't sure where to put the mirror so we just decided to hang it above a chair I recently bought from TJ Max. Tell me if it is a random spot. We think that we will put a really large framed print above the couch to tie everything in. The secretary is my favorite and sort of the centerpiece to the home. Since it is dark outside I can't take pictures of the car that dad had fixed up for us so I will post them tomorrow. It looks like a brand new car and he was so generous to have Onick help us. Mom and dad you are the greatest and really hooked us up on the trip!

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Barnum and Bailey Circus
We recently went to the circus. I was browsing KSL and saw that the famous Barnum and Bailey circus was coming to town. I wasn't sure how often they came to SLC so I thought that I should take advantage and bought some really great seats. Noelle was pretty bored through most of it. I don't think she understood the "wow factor." I tried right :) They let the kids see the animals outside before the show. The mommy elephant had just had her baby.
Here is a great link you can copy and paste.
It is the 10 most famous freak side shows. I guess it is sort of sad. The circus has been around for 150 years so these are really old. My favorite is the "Half Lady" in her victorian corset.

Here is a great link you can copy and paste.
It is the 10 most famous freak side shows. I guess it is sort of sad. The circus has been around for 150 years so these are really old. My favorite is the "Half Lady" in her victorian corset.
Here are some pics of Nells trick or treating. It was raining pretty bad that night but she didn't let it ruin her day. I originally had bought her a really cute kid friendly clown costume but Pete didn't think it was "appropriate" Weird! So I went to walmart and got her a boring doctor custume instead.

Monday, September 13, 2010
preschool pics
Noelle's first day of head start was today. She was very excited. Her classroom is at U of U housing and consists mostly of the college students children. They qualify through poverty income. Most kids are white and english speaking in contrast to the other locations which are predominantly hispanic spanish speaking so hopefully it will be easier for her to relate and understand the other kids. Her teacher is a funny character. He is a vegan, mohawk, tattooed hippy type. Not your stereotypical preschool teacher. He is very very good with the kids. Noelle loves him. She says "I love my new teacher so so much he is a boy." She loves the fact that he is a guy and not a girl like her other teachers have been. The class is 4 days a week 3.5 hours a day. Is is pretty low budget but a sweet little class. They feed the kids lunch every day so that is nice. Here are some videos of Nell's special day.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Jim Gaffigan talks about Cake
I just got done working on my thesis and needed a bit of humor for some stress relief. This is a hilarious bit from Jim Gaffigan on cake. I was talking about his Hot Pocket skit with one of my coworkers and he told me about this little jewel. It's just good, clean humor.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
antique table
I thought I would get some fun antique furniture to go with my old house. I found this intricately carved wooden table on KSL. It needed some love so I found some old polyurethane varnish in my basement and put a coat on today. It looks great. I don't know if I should put it in the kitchen or find a spot in the family room. I also got an old vintage emerald green vase at the DI last week. I might put it on the table and fill it with some hand made paper flowers I found on etsy.

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